Quazo’s Gambit
Board Game
July 2024 | Lead Designer
A 2-4 player An arena-style board game where players battle over jewels scattered across randomly placed ‘biome’ tiles on an 8×8 board.
A game of luck and strategy, roll the dice to win battles and plan ahead to gain the most of your three movements.
Additionally, players control one of four characters, each with different abilities and playstyles. Each character benefits from one of the four ‘biomes,’ or ‘domestic tiles,’ gaining extra movements and strength in battles.
Take advantage of your character’s abilities and placement on the board to collect as many jewels as possible, and store them in the bank for safe-keeping.
At the end of the 10th round, the player with the most jewels in the bank wins.
My Role
As the Lead Designer of this project, I was responsible for overseeing the development of game pieces, prototypes, and rules.
Throughout the three weeks we had to complete this project, we relied on playtests and an iterative design model to continually improve on balancing and mechanics. I coordinated playtests, assembled prototypes, and kept notes on how players responded to each iteration of the game.